Saturday, January 22, 2005

Where Did The Week Go?

That is often the question I ask myself on any given Saturday. This week has just seemed to slip out from under us. I guess it doesn't help when you spend 2 and a half hours waiting at the doctor's office for them to see you for 12 minutes. We had to go down to the Texas' Women's Hospital to have a Level 2 ultrasound. At the first one, the tech couldn't see everything she needed. So our appointment was at 2:15. Chad left school at 1pm, because it was down by Reliant Stadium. It took us about 55 minutes to get there. We filled out all our paper work and sat down. We sat for about an hour and 15 minutes, when they called us back, not to see the doctor, but to another waiting room where we sat for another hour and a half. The doctor finally saw us. I am hoping that she was just tired from all the patients, because her bedside manners were horrible. She wasn't very nice and then she asked me snottily, "how old are you?". I thinkher, like many people are shocked when I say 25. She then asked me why I was there, and I simply told her that I was told by my other doctor that I should go. Well after the 12 minutes, everything was fine and the baby is healthy and is growing at the rate is should. She was also very shocked when she asked if we knew what we were having and when saying no, we told her we didn't want to know. I chalk it up to the fact that most people now want to know. So we left the hospital at 5:10 in the midst of Houston traffic and I had to be at a scrimmage at 6:15. I did't make it on time, I got there about 6:45. That was how our Thursday was spent.

The rest of the week just sort of slipped by with basketball, Chad being out on the baseball field each day trying to get it ready for practice on Monday, two soccer games on Tuesday, and Chad trying to get his grades done for progress reports. This weekend is a quiet one, I think we might actually attempt to go to a movie tonight. We will see how much work Chad gets done this afternoon. Next week is a short week for me, only having to work Monday and Wednesday, a game on Tuesday, and then leaving Wednesday for Wisconsin. Chad's baseball practice starts on Monday. The nice thing with baseball is that you don't have to share your field, so he always has practice right after school. Until basketball is over, there might be a few conflicts with our schedule, but after basketball is over, it will just be him having practice after school. We have just 4 games left. Two home and two away. The same two teams, twice more. It has been a long season, but a good one overall.

Well I should go see how much more work Chad has to do and maybe find a movie that we want to see.


Jamie said...

Congrats by the way! I like that you are going to wait to find out if it's a boy or girl. Greg always talks about how he wants to know and I try to convince him otherwise. We will have to deal with that in the future I guess. But if you could give me some pointers to use in our debates as to why we shouldn't find out that would be seems my reasons are falling on deaf ears! HA! Hope you are feeling well and I hope to see you guys soon...but who knows when that will be. Enjoy your trip to WI!