Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Hippity Hoppety- Easter's on it's Way

So every Sunday while getting ready for church Emma asks if it is Easter yet and each week we tell her how many more Sundays until Easter. Why is she so obsessed with Easter? Well the only reason a true princess would be- she gets to wear her big pretty Easter dress. This girl cannot wait for Sunday to be able to wear her Easter dress that hangs up in her room and she looks at longingly every Sunday.

Emma is still up to her mischievous self. You can't leave her alone for too long because you never know what she is getting into. She is known to take anything and everything out of any given drawer or cabinet. She is known to draw and anything with markers, crayons, pens or pencils. Sunday we were up by Chad's parents and we brought home some Easter things for the girls from his mom since they are going to be out of town. They were in some grocery bags and within 5 minutes of being home Emma was digging through the bags knowing that there was something in there. She is very insistent on certain things. There are somethings that you pick your battles with and others that you just let go. Sleeping with sandals on is one of those things you just let go.
We are still trying to get her to like the potty, but no such luck yet. She still wants to go to school next year. We did find out that Mrs. Willer is moving up to 4K afternoons, so she will have a different teacher then Maddie. I was glad to find this out now instead of like a week before school starts, so I can let Emma know and prepare her for the change.

Maddie is done with school for the week and doesn't go back until next Wednesday. She was very upset that there was no school on Friday even though we kept telling her that it is Opening Day she wanted to go to school. We kept asking why she wanted to go to school and she just said she did, finally on Monday she told me she wanted to go to school Friday because that is the day that she goes to the gym. Luckily they went to the gym today and so I think that helped. They also did a little egg hunt on the playground and a few other Easter crafts.

Chad has his first game today. It is actually 50's and sunny and so I think that we may head out there for a little while. It will be weird to watch a game in the daylight and not one starting at 7pm. I guess at least the good thing is is that the game will be over before 10pm and we can be home at a reasonable hour.

I am looking forward to the weekend Jana, Mike, Nolan, Amy, Joel, Ben, and Sam will be here and we will be going to the egg hunt at Mount Olive. Which here is known as grandma and grandpa's church. It is looking like it will be a nice weekend so hopefully we will be able to get some playing outside in. Sunday evening is the Brewers/Cubs game on ESPN. Joel,Mike, Chad, my dad, and I are going. I figure I probably won't get to too many game this summer, so I better go now.

Maddie got to watch the Brewers yesterday with grandpa- granted she would watch, leave, play with something else and repeat. Chad came home just as the game was ending and she made sure she informed him that "they are getting their butts kicked". Monday night Ben and Christina were over for the Michigan State/UNC game and she was bound and determined that she is going to spend the night over at Christina's apartment and watch movies. She then had to recap it for me the next morning because I wasn't here.

Here is a picture I took the other day- Maddie usually wants to wear a Brewers shirt and since when Maddie has one on, Emma wants to put hers on too.

Happy Easter to everyone. I know that I will be taking pictures this weekend so I will make sure to put them up.