Monday, August 27, 2007

Inmate Number 6052007

Yep, that's right according to a mean old lady in Hobby Lobby, I have a future juvenile delinquent on my hands. Chad was at retreat last night and today, so I took this morning to run some errands and then we went to pick him up at the camp they stay. Maddie also got to take a swim in the pool. So we were at Hobby Lobby before grabbing some lunch. She was strapped in the stroller and was getting antsy. She started to cry and throw a temper tantrum just like any 2 year old might do. Mean Lady Hobby Lobby came into the aisle we were in and informed me that I have a future juvenile delinquent on my hands. She quickly turned and went back to the aisle she came from. From there it went something like this:

Me: "Excuse me, do you have a problem with my child?"
Mean Lady Hobby Lobby: "Yeah, she should be better behaved in public"
Me: "Well she is only two" (thinking that everyone thinks she is four because of what she looks like)
MLHL: "I have two year old grandchildren who are better behaved than her"
Me: "And I'm sure that they are perfect all the time"

At that point I walked back into my aisle. Another mom came into the aisle and told me that I was a whole lot nicer about it than she would have been. We chatted for a few minutes and that made me feel better. I was so boiling mad. We are also trying to get Maddie to stop using her nuk, so I don't give it to her just to make her be quiet. She threw her tantrum for a few minutes and then she was fine. We were in the store probably for another 15 minutes. So all of you mothers and fathers of toddlers you better watch out because tantrums lead to being a juvenile delinquent. As we were going to check out, I was looking for Mean Lady because I wanted to tell her that I hoped she had a good rest of the day. She had already left the store or at least wasn't in any of the aisles that I passed.

Needless to say I left Hobby Lobby pretty mad. It all passed soon and I was able to laugh about it, but it is amazing to me what other people will say to you about your parenting skills when they don't even know you.

I was going to get Maddie to hold up a inmate sign and take her picture, but I forgot before writing this post.

Not too much else going on. This weekend we have a couple of friends coming to town. Friday is the first football game of the year and so I'm sure we will be there for a good portion of Friday evening.