Friday, March 18, 2005

Not Much New

Well there hasn't been that much going on this past week. Maybe I should say that it hasn't been that exciting of a week. Well I left you with playing baseball on Thursday. Well we never made it to baseball. I went to school for 8th hour and I was told by Rita, the secretary, that Chad was not feeling well and was in the clinic laying down. I went back to see what was going on and he said that he had not been feeling well all day. So after school, we went home and Chad slept for a good 5 hours. He wasn't feeling a whole lot better on Friday, so he stayed home from school. I had to work and then babysit for Isaac. By the time I got home on Friday he was feeling better and so we just relaxed on Friday night. We got some food and a movie.

Saturday we were back to our normal selves and Chad had to be at school at 8am to help with Market Day. He then had to have a kid make up a test, but he was at least home by 11:30. We then were off for the day. We went a few places, like Best Buy (Chad got a new video game) and then a few other places. Chad actually got down to work on Saturday night and graded papers that needed to get done, so he wouldn't have to do it on Sunday. The rest of the week has been just normal things; work, baseball, athletic period, and waiting for Spring Break. We did head out and celebrate St. Patrick's Day for a little while. We met some people at Molly's, an Irish Pub, and hung out for about an hour and a half. It was crowded, but not unbearable crowded. Tonight was me trying to get some laundry done so I would have clothes to wear this weekend and now I am waiting for Chad to get back from his baseball game. They played a doubleheader in Navasota. He should be home by 10:45. We can't wait to go home tomorrow and hang out for a few days. Then we are heading to San Antonio for a couple of days, just to take a little side trip during break. Chad's parents and some of the kids are coming on Friday. so we will have visitors for a few days. I hope that everyone enjoys their break, if it is this week. Many of you we will see you on Sunday, but for those who we won't, I hope that you have a Happy Easter.