Well it is Memorial Day today, but it isn't like it used to be. Usually this day meant a day off of school, but school is over now, so it doesn't really seem like a day off. It is important to remember those who did/do serve our country, so that is what we do.
This week has been a long and very full week. This week was meetings for Chad at school. I attended the Tuesday meetings, because they were for the Athletic Department. We talked about all the issues and items that have come up in the past year and how to resolve them. Not too much got resolved, but a lot of concerns were aired. Wednesday was out shower at Diane's. It was a good time. There were about 35 people there and it wasn't a girly shower (meaning there were no games or prizes to be won). We just got to hang out with the staff and get together. We ended up staying until about 11. We were the last ones to leave, but we were just talking with Diane and so it didn't even seem like it was 11pm. Then Thursday was a doctors appointment. He told me that I have begun to dialate and so the process is starting and we made an appointment for this week, but we are hoping to not have to get to it. I'm sure that I will, because it seems like this kid is never going to come. The weekend brought another movie night on Friday. We went and saw Madacascar. It was cute. It wasn't the best we've seen, so we recommend to wait until it comes out on video. The nice this is that the cinema in Tomball runs first rate movies, but it is always only $3.50 to see them, so it isn't like we are spending the $8 a person for the movies. Then Saturday was suppose to be a graduation party, but I fell asleep and Chad didn't want to wake me up, so we didn't go, but it was still quite hot out, so I don't know how long we would have lasted anyways. Sunday was church and I actually got Chad to go to early church, so we were home a whole lot earlier than normal. We also got to watch the Brewers all weekend on TV, instead of the computer, since they were playing the Astros. Today we went to Kim and Andrew's new house to grill out and hang out. It is a very nice house, it is one of the only one's done in the new subdivision and so it is a little weird having half done houses around them. It is nice and makes Chad want to move into a house tomorrow.
Chad has baseball camp this week during the evenings and then it is just playing the waiting for the baby game. This week for me is just grin and bear it for a little bit longer. It still is hot, so not too much activity outside. Just keeping up with the laundry and cleaning and grocery shopping. That way Chad won't have to take on too much in the next couple of weeks.
Here is an interesting fact for some of you, who think we live in a small town. This just proves the point. Next Saturday, June 11th, there is a Ku Klux Klan meeting being held at the community center. It isn't a rally, because they are not here to recruit members, but it is more of a informational meeting and exhibit all about what they are about. There is going to be some major protesting and so we are hoping not to have to go out of the house that day. It says that the city is not promoting it, but they have the right to free speech. There was a big article in the paper last week. They keep saying that is just for information and they are not trying to rectruit members, they won't even be handing out applications, but you can only attend if you are caucasian. It is pretty freaky to think that that is going to be going on.
Well with that in mind, we are hoping to be at the hospital or home from the hospital when all of that is happening. We are just getting anxious for the baby to get here and are hoping that everything goes well. We can't wait to tell you about it and post some pictures on here.
Monday, May 30, 2005
Memorial Day
Posted by Erin J at 7:08 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Another Year Done
Well school is over for Chad. He had finals this week and now just has graduation tomorrow afternoon. He does have meetings next week, but all you teachers know how those go. He did manage to get his finals written. I did tell him I would help type them if he gave me enough time, so he stayed up too late on Tuesday finishing the Junior class final, so I could type it the next day. He then wrote the Senior final on Wednesday at school. We even went up to school in the evening and got all his copying done and keys (scantron test) done, so all he would have to do is go to school on Thursday for his final. He got his finals done and seemed pretty happy. Thursday night he went to the Astros game. The Diamondback pitcher was a friend of the student teacher/assistant baseball coach from high school. So they went with him and some of his friends. He said he had a good time, but felt a little old, since most of the people in the group with them were still in college or just graduating. (Phil went with him, so at least he had someone to talk to) Friday he still had to be at school even though there weren't any finals, it is kind of like a make-up day, but he did manage to get his grades done and even before they were due. So to end the year, we went out for dinner and then to a movie. No we did not go see Star Wars. I haven't seen the first two, so I told Chad he will have to find someone to go to the movie with. It seemed we weren't the only ones who had the idea to go out last night, while driving through the parking lot looking for a spot to park, the car coming toward us was the Keiper's. They were going to see Star Wars and I told Chad he should just go with them. We went to see Guess Who with Ashton Kutcher and Bernie Mac, it was pretty funny. The only problem was that it must have been middle-school night at the movies, because there were about 30 middle-schoolers in the movie and I don't think one of them sat for the entire show or could keep their mouths shut through the entire show.
This week was not much going on, just trying to get through the last week of school. Monday was the Faculty get together at the Greene's we went for about 2 hours and ate some dinner and just hung out. Tuesday we met the pediatrician and then had to get back to school for physicals. I never have heard of doing it this way, but the athletes get their physicals done at school with coaches and then doctors. I was taking height and weight, while Chad did blood pressure and pulse. It actually is a good idea, but just a little odd. Then on Tuesday night, we went to the hospital to tour the maternity ward. It was nice to know where to go and proceedures. There was actually no one in the labor ward, but about 5 in the post pardum(sp.) wing. There were just a couple babies in the nursery. Not too much else going on here. We have a couple graduation parties we were invited to today, but it is suppose to be in the middle 90's, so I don't know how long I'll last at them. Next Wednesday we were having a get together/shower at Diane's house with the staff. Christa and Diane and throwing it for us. Then it is just get through the next three weeks.
Hope that the end of the year for many of you teachers is going okay and that you will make it until the end. Just a few couple more weeks left.
Posted by Erin J at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 16, 2005
Finals Week
Well it is the last week of school for Chad and let's just say that he is pretty excited. This week are finals. There is a half day today, which basically is a review day for all classes and then the next 4 days are finals. In Chad fashion, he hasn't written his final yet, but I know that it will get done in time like he always does. Next week he will have meetings, but those are usually only for half days and not usually until the afternoons. He will have graduation this weekend on Sunday and there have been a few parties that we have been invited too, so we will see where those take us.
This weekend, mom and dad came down and we enjoyed the warm weather and just hanging out. They got here on Thursday afternoon. After Chad and I walked almost the entire Bush Intercontinenal Airport looking for them, we did finally find them. Friday Chad had school, so dad took him there and then went for his morning coffee. Mom, dad, and I ventured out to Garden Ridge (a home store-mom's idea) and then ate lunch. After school, Chad and dad got in a round of golf and I helped mom put her digital pictures onto her laptop. Saturday we went to breakfast and then a little bit of running around, but mom did manage to get in some sun. We weren't sure what we were going to do, but then we ended up at the Astros game, since Clemens was pitching. It was pretty packed and hot, especially since we were sitting up pretty high, but at least it was on an aisle. Sunday was church and listening to the Brewer's game. During church Chad got the idea of how to listen to the Brewer's game downstairs when the computer is upstairs, use the baby monitor. That is what he did and it actually worked pretty good. We dropped our guests off at the airport around 4pm and headed home to do some grocery shopping. Chad isn't sure if mom is going to make it through the next month until she comes back, but we figure it will be all good. She's got things to keep her busy.
No doctor's appointments this week, but we are meeting with the pediatrician and going on the hospital tour of the birthing center. We have just 4 weeks to go and have a feeling that they may be some of the longest four weeks there are. We are already looking forward to our visitors in June.
The days are getting hotter here, so any visitors be ready for the heat. We have 4 steps to our humidity, from top to bottom: Super, Stuffy, Sticky, and Stiffling. Last week is was just stuffy, but this week it is suppose to raise up to Sticky. The air was turned on last week Tuesday and I'm sure it won't be turned off until the fall.
We are looking forward to the summer, I think Chad will just be happy that he doesn't have to go to school everyday. I'm sure that he will be up there his fair share of the time, but at least it won't be everyday all day. It is also nice to not have to move this summer. A first in three years.
Posted by Erin J at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 06, 2005
One Week Down...
Well it has been a whole week since I have been at work and I am still wondering where the better part of the week went. I know that Chad was worried that I was going to be bored, or have nothing to do, but I don't think that will be a problem. Monday was spent doing laundry and cleaning up a bit, but as Chad thinks, it really isn't cleaning, because this place is clean enough for his standard. Let's just say that I tackled the bathroom good. Tuesday was Athletic Period, which I only had two girls for, so you can imagine how much fun that was. It isn't that it is just 2 girls, they are the two girls who are the quietest on both teams. Wednesday brought a day of Isaac and athletic period. Isaac and I hung out for a bit, we ran a couple errands and then he got to hang out with the office ladies while I went to athletic period. In which I was informed that that was the last one I would need to be at, since next week they are testing. Thursday brought another day of Isaac, this time I met at Keiper's house and Isaac seemed to be in a better mood, since he got to sleep until his normal time. Jen dropped Shelby off for an hour while she had a doctor's appointment. Shelby wasn't too keen on the idea of having Isaac there. They played, well Shelby played and Isaac watched her. Then that brings us to today, Friday and the week is over.
This weekend I think is bringing rest for Chad, he had another game in Waco last night, got home about 12:15am. They lost, so no baseball next week when mom and dad are here. As he left this morning I asked him what time he would be home and he said 3:05, I think that those late nights of games and practice were really getting to him.
Next week will bring two days of Issac, a doctor's appointment, and mom and dad coming. Then the following week is finals, and school is over. Chad will have meetings the week of the 23rd-27th, but those aren't as bad as having class. Then June 1st-4th he is having the baseball camp for the grade school kids in the evenings. I told him that the baby better not come that week, but he figured that it would be okay. This coming Tuesday will be just 5 more weeks. Mom said it would be okay to be just 3 more weeks. I would be okay with that too. The heat hasn't been too bad, but I know that it is just going to keep getting hotter and hotter. We still haven't turned on the air, because at night it is getting down to about 65 and with the windows open and the fan going, it is actually very comfortable. I promise Joel, that when you are here, we will have the air on, I don't want you getting heatstroke or anything. Other than just doing a lot of waiting for school, for baby, for visitors everything here is good.
I don't want to jinx it, but we love the fact that the Brewers are in 2nd place. All I care is that they are above the Astros. We have been watching the games a lot and doing a lot of yelling, but then it seems to always turn out alright. I was just happy that we swept the Cubs. The Tigers are struggling, but we still watch them too. I guess we are just suckers for "bad" teams or maybe it is just that we are real fans.
Posted by Erin J at 11:09 AM 0 comments