Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's Official

The Janetzke's new house. That's right, it is finally closed and we are the proud owners of a home. We aren't moving in until we get back from Wisconsin, but it works out great, because the people who lived there are still moving out. After all the runaround we had last week and trying to get the closing done before we left, it all worked out this week with us being here and the closing being there. We have some painting that needs to get done and just a few other things that we want to do before we move all our stuff in. Good thing Grandma and Grandpa Heff are coming the week we get back. We have moved a little bit south of school, but it still is only about a 15 minute drive and that is hitting the stoplights. Chad knows that I am happier where it is because it is closer to the nicer Wal-Mart. He is at home for meetings and has a short list of some things that he can get done while he is there for the next couple of days.

Wisconsin is great. The weekend was a whirlwind, but a good one overall. Maddie spent a lot of time in the car, but she doesn't mind too much. She is getting used to all the new faces. You have to give her about a half hour to get comfortable and then she will start putting on a show. The weather has been a little chilly, but it is suppose to warm up and I'm sure it will feel great compared to the 100 degree heat in Houston.

When we start taking some pics, I 'll be sure to post some. We didn't take any in Michigan, that was my fault, but we will start taking some here. Today cousin Ben and Sam are coming to play and tomorrow all five cousins get to play in Chicago. I'm sure they will all have a blast, well at least the three on the go.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

some days you just crash where you are Posted by Picasa

helping mom with the laundry Posted by Picasa

1. pull stool out from under chair 2. use stool to climb onto chair Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

here is our little climber, there are even more boxes around there now Posted by Picasa

Getting Ready To Go

Well it is Wednesday and tomorrow we are leaving for Wisconsin. Now many of you know that I would have been getting ready to go about a week ago, but that is all different now. This morning I am still getting some laundry done and trying to make sure that everything is in order here. Then on top of it, the closing on the house has been pushed back. They are trying to get the closing for tomorrow, but of not, they will have to send us the papers in WI and then we will have to do all the signing there and send them back. That just adds to all the craziness. This is also finals week for Chad. At least his final was yesterday, so he should have all his grading done and turned in before we go.

This week seems to just be flying by. I know that it is only Wednesday, but the last two days have been a blur. Maddie has been running a low temp, we think it might be teeth. Those would be nice sometime soon, since she has none. She is still just being a monkey and figuring out climbing. We have started putting some boxes in the dining room and she has figured out how to climb up them. She also loves to stand up on her car (the walker we have for her). She has grown out of her Vans, so we'll have to go get some new ones sometime this summer from Katy Mills. She has finally gotten the hang of sandals, which is nice. Now we don't have to put socks and tennis shoes on all the time.

We are really looking forward to our trip tomorrow. This first weekend is really busy with going to Michigan and then to Wisconsin all in about three days. All the running around is worth seeing all the people we will get to see.

I will try to do some posting while we are at home. I will for sure post pictures from all our different events, especially Maddie's birthday party.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A quiet morning

Today has started out as a quiet morning, but you have to remember it is only 5 till 8. Maddie is still sleeping, so I figured that I should blog a little something.

The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of days. We have been trying to get all this house stuff done and it looks like it is all done and so we should be closing on the house next week. I am hoping that nothing pushes it back, since we will be leaving next Thursday for three weeks and I don't think the people who live there now, want to wait that long to move. We have already gotten lots of offers to help us paint from people at school. Chad is already starting to make jokes about having to go to Home Depot and Loewe's. He better get used to it, since that is what his weekends are going to be from now on, working on the house. So once all the paperwork is done and is signed, I will feel a lot better and be able to breathe easier.

Our apartment is already looking like we are moving. Around the tv area, there is nothing on the shelves because Maddie is into the toss everything aside phase. By the end of the day there are no toys in the toy box, instead they are all over the living room, dining room, kitchen and stairs. Even though we have gates up into the kitchen and up the stairs, she thinks it is funny to throw the toys over the gates, so things just pile up there. Other than being the destroyer, she is doing great. She is walking all over the place. We have even gotten the hang of shoes. She still has some trouble in sandals, so we wear our Vans and everyone at school just thinks they are so cute. We walk to get the mail each day and it takes us about 25 minutes to go about a total of 100 yards. She loves to stop and look at everything, which then usually leads to picking it up and putting it in her mouth.

Chad has just this week of school left and then next week is finals. He has to make sure all his work is done before we leave, so I'm sure that means there will be some late nights next week as we get closer to Thursday. I figured at least theology finals are on Tuesday, so he has a couple of days to get those graded.

This coming weekend we are actually getting to go out. Saturday is going to be a busy day, Chad has athletic physicals in the morning along with summer league baseball practice, he isn't coaching, but it is the first one, so he figured he should be there to make sure everything goes alright. He then has Maddie duty for the early afternoon, as I have a wedding shower to go to. That night Caitlyn is coming to babysit for Maddie since Joel, the principal is getting remarried and the reception is Saturday night. It should be fun. I guess since we will be missing the end of the year faculty party, this will kind of count for that.

Well on my end everything is good. We were at the doctor two weeks ago and will go again the morning we are leaving. Everything is going well and there have been no problems. We are looking forward our trip home, even though the first weekend will be jampacked, I know that Chad is looking forward to getting to Michigan and seeing Ben, Sarah and the boys. Also then being able for great-grandmas and grandpa to meet Maddie. I'm sure she will put on a show for them. (that is a Janetzke trait) We will let you know when the house if official and actually be able to put some pictures up. Have a great day and if I don't post before Sunday Happy Mother's Day to all the moms who read this, especially the ones who are first time mommies who are still waiting for their little bundle of joy.