Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Well we made it to Wisconsin in 21 and a half hours. We ended up driving straight through. That wasn't our original plan, but the way things fell and happened, it ended up being the right thing to do. We left Tomball at 1:30pm on Friday and arrived in ra-ra and bumpa J's driveway at 11am. The girls did great. They slept most of the way. They would wake up when Chad and I would stop for a bathroom break or just to get out and stretch, they would see we weren't there yet and usually just fall back asleep. Saturday was spent doing a lot of nothing. We watched some movies, played with the cat and were asleep by 8pm.

After a full night's sleep and then some we headed to church in the morning and back home for the rest of the day. Maddie and Emma have been enjoying going up and down the steps and playing with the cat. Yesterday I did get out to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. Chad has been enjoying playing some video games with his brothers and dad. We have been keeping ourselves busy and warm.

Christmas Eve is here and I finally feel like it is Christmas. Maybe it is the cold and snow or maybe it is being home and with family. Maddie got a shot at sledding this morning and thought it was the best thing ever. We got some pics and I will make sure to put them up soon. She didn't even complain about the cold.

I pray that all of you wherever you may be, some here with us, some back in Texas, some other parts of the country; have a very Merry Christmas. I will make sure to post some pics after the next few days of celebrating.