Saturday, November 13, 2004

First Football Season Closes

Well, we have survived our first season of Texas High School football. There were a few times when I wasn't sure if we would. CLHS played their last game last night, they lost 36-6. It actually felt like a football game. It was cool and windy. I even got to wear a sweater and a jacket. Chad even had a hat on, to keep his ears well. Football down here still amazes me. It is like everyone says. This morning I was even watching the High School Football report and it still amazes me to see some teams have nicer stadiums than some colleges. Some have astroturf, seating for thousands, and a team that could easily wail on CURF any day. I did enjoy the season for the most part, the games did get kind of long some weeks, but I don't think I'll be turning into one of those pyscho people who live and die Texas Football.

Besides football we do have basketball down here. We had our first game this week. We lost by 16. We were losing by 3 at half time and then just pooped out. It also doesn't help that I only have 8 players. But I was pretty proud of them. They hung in there and gave it everything they had. We have a pretty solid team. We need to do a bit of work on our defense, but if we get that down, we will be alright. Chad was nice enough to do my stats for me. I am still waiting on my digital scout palm pilot to do stats on. We'll see if I get that before Christmas break. We are doing a freethrow-a-thon and I am hoping that the money that we get from that can purchase the palm pilot. It will make things a lot easier for my games, plus having to do stats for the Varsity games.

We are both looking forward to Thanksgiving break coming up. That also means that we will have visitors. Chad and Adam are going to the Texans/Packers game on Sunday the 21st. Chad said that he would have a sign for you Joel, I'll hold him to it and make sure he follows through. Anne is coming in on Tuesday, so we will get to have all day Wednesday to just hang out. Then that means only three weeks till Christmas after that. I have purchased one Christmas present. I think that Christa and I were thinking about going this Tuesday to check the mall out. Since we are doing small stocking gifts with my family, I have decided that Chad needs to get his own things for everyone and he has even begun to write things down that he has come up with. I am looking to not bring too much stuff home and just shop once in Milwaukee.

Chad is at boys basketball practice helping them out with their "retreat" for the day. We might head to the movies to check out Ray, but we will see how tired he is after staying up late playing video games. Joel we bought you a football t-shirt from school for them winning the District, so I'll try to send that this week. If not it will have to wait until next week.