Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!! I know that many of you won't read this until after Easter, but remember that we are in the Easter season, so it isn't just for one day. We hope that everyone had a great weekend. We did here in Tomball. It was a weekend for doing nothing. We have been so busy with baseball and house hunting that we took this weekend to just relax and home and have no agenda. We did get some things done. We had some errands to run and some "to do" things to take care of around here, but otherwise we took the time to relax and just hang out. This past week was a little hectic with baseball having three games in four days, but we survived.

This week brings some visitors on Wednesday and Thursday. Steph and her husband will be here on Wednesday for the night and then Grandma Heff comes in on Thursday until Monday afternoon. Nothing exciting planned for our company, but I know that Grandma is looking forward to getting some sun. I'm sure that she will also find some time to play with Maddie.

Here is Maddie at the ballgame on Thursday afternoon. She always enjoys playing on the field after the games. Usually it is under the lights, but Thursday was an early game and we got to play a little longer than normal. She still hasn't taken a liking to her hats, but when they are tied on, she doesn't put up as big of a fight.

Tomorrow is an evening at Minute Maid Park. Hopefully the Brewers will play better than they did today. Maddie will be sporting her Brewers jersey, so we will make sure we get a picture.