Thursday, April 27, 2006

Same Old, Same Old

Nothing to new to report on from Texas. Baseball is over, which means Chad does get home a lot earlier than normal. Maddie seems to enjoy the extra time with him. School is winding down, so Chad is trying to get all his work done, since we are leaving at the end of Finals week. I on the other hand are just trying to make sure everything is in order here before we leave.

Grandma Heff was here last weekend. We just played and looked at more houses. Maddie is beginning to know who people are and if she isn't quite sure, it takes a little bit for her to warm up to you. It didn't take too long for her to warm up to Grandma. Grandma was able to see her toddle around and conquer the stairs. Maddie is starting to get more clever. She has started to move things to climb up on them to get up onto something else. She has figured out to move the footstool we have next to the couch so she can climb up on the couch. She has also figured out how to use her chair to try to climb up on our bed. I am hoping she isn't one of those kids who figures out how to climb out of her crib.

We are starting to plan for Maddie's birthday party, which we will have in Wisconsin. Grandma thinks we should have cake with blue or red frosting, just so she gets extra messy. I'm sure no matter what cake it is, she will devour it.

Home note: we did put another offer in on a house and are just waiting for the seller's to sign the papers, so hopefully we will get this one and if we do, we will close before we leave and move when we get back. We will let you know when it is all official.