Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A Weekend Getaway
This past weekend the four of us took a short drive over to San Antonio to visit with the Truwe's. They moved down here in July and so we thought that it was about time we paid them a visit. We left Friday after school and made pretty good time. We stopped about half way for dinner and then were back on the road. When we got there Naomi was in bed, but not sleeping so she decided to get up and play for a little while. We finally got all the girls to sleep and the adults talked for a little while.
Saturday morning we slept in and then headed to the park. There was everything at this park, even a really big metal slide that Maddie went down once, but even she thought it was too fast. In the afternoon everyone got their naps in. We ate a wonderful dinner and after dinner Jamie and I left the boys to attend to bedtime. Jamie had gotten tickets to a synchronized swimming show that a member of their church was in. It was pretty impressive. It was a little hard to see because you were at the same level as the pool, so you couldn't see the formations. I had a good time. When we got home the girls were in bed and the guys were watching baseball.
Sunday morning we headed to church to hear Greg preach and then it was lunch and we were off. We made very good time on the way home. Only making one stop, just for something to drink. We headed over to the Wilke's to hang out and for pizza. Maddie liked taking Sam for a walk in the backyard and Emma liked it when Sam gave her kisses. We finally headed home and the girls were ready for bed.
This week we have been to the playground and are looking forward to going over to Sommermeyer's for trick or treating tonight. I will make sure to put some pictures up as soon as I can. It has been cool (75-no humidity) and so we have enjoyed having the windows open and the breeze coming through.
We have things going on for the next few weekends, so that will make the time go quick. Rah-rah and Bumpa Heff will be here in less than three weeks. Maddie is already looking forward to that visit. We will be heading up to Minnesota the first weekend in December for the Vikings/Lions game (while the girls stay in Dallas with Great Aunt Kathy), then we will have just a few weeks and we will be heading home for Christmas. It will come quick, but I am already getting ready for that.
Happy Reformation Day and have a little candy for Halloween.
Posted by Erin J at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Pumpkin Farm
Well Ra-ra has been here and gone. It was a fun weekend all around and I'm glad that grandma could come and visit. Friday she got in about 4 hours earlier than we thought she was going to. She was able to get on a earlier flight and so we headed up to school for the football game. We all watched about half of it and she took the girls home. I think that is the most football I watched all season.
Saturday was the pumpkin farm in the morning. We took some pictures, rode the hayride, picked out a couple pumpkins, headed out for some lunch and then home for naps. Chad and I started to get ready for the dinner auction and then headed up to hang out with friends early. Grandma and the girls were armed with pizza and some games.
We had a really great time at the auction, probably stayed out too late than we should have, but it was worth the fun.
Sunday we did manage to get to late church and then back home for a nap. Maddie, Grandma and I headed out for some groceries and then we all went out to dinner. After we got home we carved our pumpkins. I tried to make a Brewers logo that I got off the Brewers website, but I messed it up and just ended up with a old fashioned jack-o-lantern. Chad is still hoping to make his a Detroit Tigers pumpkin. Today was cold, like 55 degrees cold. It was rainy too. We did a little shopping with grandma, ate lunch, and then off to the airport. Both the girls fell asleep on the way there. When Maddie woke up, she did ask where ra-ra was. I told her she had to go back to bumpa's house. Maddie said okay and went back to sleep.
It was a quick weekend, but her and bumpa will be back for Thanksgiving. So we can't wait to see them in just about 4 weeks.
It finally feels like fall here and I couldn't be happier. We are heading over to San Antonio this weekend to hang out with the Truwe's.
Here are a few pictures from the auction.
Posted by Erin J at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Zoo, Football, and a Flood
Well we have had quite the weekend again. We thought that this weekend was going to be slow, boy were we wrong. Saturday morning we headed down to the zoo and had a great time. Maddie loves looking for all the animals and when she sees them she announces "there they are". The animals were actually out since it wasn't so hot. The last time we were there, they were all hiding because of the heat. We checked out all the animals, ate some lunch, played in the Children's zoo, rode the carousel, had some ice cream and headed home. We got to the zoo a little after 10 and were leaving at about 2. Neither of the girls made it to the stoplight to get out of the zoo parking lot before they were sleeping. I think that meant they had a good time.
Sunday was a lazy day. We went to church, Sunday school, played on the playground while waiting for Phill, Shelly, Mike, and Christian, and then when to lunch with them. Maddie was tired enough to fall asleep on Chad at the table. After we got home, not too much else happened. Maddie even wanted to change back into her pajamas, so we let her. She has also been having to wear socks because she likes to chew on her toes and sometimes she makes them bleed. She is so weird. She keeps the socks on, so that is a good thing.
Monday was the start to another week. We went to the playground in the morning and Maddie just wanted to swing the whole time. She didn't want to go down the slide or anything, just swing. It was a good thing we went in the morning, because at about 2:45 it started raining, actually pouring, it didn't stop until after 6pm. I called Chad about 4:15 and told him to come home now if he wanted to get home. Our street was flooded, the water ended up coming all the way up to the tree in our front yard, which is probably about 2 feet from the sidewalk. Chad didn't realize how bad it was and was glad that I called him. About 5 minutes after he got home a car pulled into our driveway and I thought it was Steve, but it was someone who didn't want to float down the street. Chad went out to the car to make sure she was alright. We invited her in to wait it out. She is a Early Childhood Special Ed. teacher at the elementary school here in our subdivision, she is a first year teacher with a brand new car, so she was a little shaken up. When she left, we made sure to give her our number in case she got stuck, and she even offered hers in case we ever needed a babysitter. I think she was just thankful that we weren't weirdos.
Today I thought we were going to get some more rain, but the sun finally decided to come out at about 2pm. The girls are getting excited for grandma to come. That is all they talk about; ra-ra this and ra-ra that.
The rest of the week is just getting things done. I have been so honored to be on the fundraising committee for Chad's spring trip and so I have some things to do for that. We have another meeting tomorrow, but I hope to get all the bulletin announcements done before that. We are having a whiffle ball tournament on November 10th, so if anyone would like to come down and play, you are more than welcome to.
Hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather, how about you throw some our way.
Posted by Erin J at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Homecoming, Here and Gone
Well this weekend was filled to the brim with activities and now it is finally Tuesday morning and I feel like I can slow down. Football on Friday was a lot of fun. Maddie and Emma got to play with Isaac and Faith. We also went to the pep rally at school on Friday afternoon. They had a senior vs. faculty dodgeball game. It was fun to watch and Maddie wanted to join in. The football team won pretty handedly. I think it was something like 30-6. They were playing Lutheran South, which is down by NASA. One of their coaches is Jason Bangert who went to Martin Luther. This is his first call.
After the game Wilke's and Steve came over for a little while. Maddie was up late, because she wanted to wait for dad and uncle Phill to get here. So it was nice that they both decided to sleep late on Saturday morning. I did some grocery shopping and a couple other errands on Saturday. We went and ate dinner with Wilke's minus Michael. We just went to Red Robin, but had a good time. Chad had to chaperone the dance, so he got to spend his evening with his students. He went out with some of the other teachers afterwards and almost got into a bar fight. You will have to ask him about it sometime.
Sunday we headed to church, Sunday school, and once again to eat with the Wilke's. (Do you see a trend here?- we spend a lot of time with them) It was home for naps for the girls and then off to Faith's first birthday party. Maddie loves to play with Isaac. Every week after Sunday school, we walk to the nursery together to get their siblings. Well they go to late church and we go to our car, every Sunday Maddie cries because she has to leave Isaac. She did it at the football game too, because they left after the third quarter. I think she might be a little obsessed with Isaac. So all day he kept saying Isaac's house. So when we finally got there she was in heaven. She had a short crying spell when we were getting ready to leave, but got over it pretty quickly.
After the party, once again Wilke's and Steve came over for the Packers/Bears game. Well earlier in the day Chad had dropped the remote into a cup of water, so we were having issues with the remote. We finally had to call and they are sending us a new remote. For now we have an antenna attached in the living room and cable in our room. Of course we were all giving Chad a hard time all evening. Good thing Sunday Night Football is on NBC.
Yesterday it was nice to have Chad home in the morning for a bit. He left in the later morning for the golf outing. So the girls and I ran to Wal-Mart for diapers and then home to play. I had a MOPS meeting last night and had to call Shelly to come over for about a half hour because Chad, Phill, and Michael were running late.
So here we are on Tuesday morning, finally ready to start the week. Chad has a half day on Friday, so that will be nice. Tomorrow he is going to A&M for their fall ball game. Thursday Christian has a home football game and there is also a home volleyball game. At least on Friday football is away, so we can just hang out at home.
A week from Friday Grandma Heff is coming. Maddie keeps saying "raPublish Post-ra Maddie's house". Which means that ra-ra is coming to Maddie's house. So I think that Maddie getting excited to see grandma.
Here are just a few pictures from Friday night. Emma finishing off Kim's Starbucks
Maddie, Issac, and Faith playing with Dora instead of watching the game
Posted by Erin J at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Who do you root for now?
I have been trying to figure out who to root for in the playoffs and I think that I have made my decision. I am going to root for the Diamondbacks. I figure they are the only club that I don't have any reasons not to root against. It was either them or the Angels, but I figured I stick with the NL.
This past weekend we have been clearing out our backyard and finally today I am done. Chad has some work to do, but otherwise we are almost done. I was telling someone yesterday that I now finally feel like we can get stuff done around the house. Last year at this time Emma was only 3 months old, so it was hard to get outside and do anything. Now they play outside while I get work done. It is a nice deal. It still has been hot out, but not unbearable. It has been hovering in the 90's, but on Sunday it is suppose to be 78 degrees. That will be so nice.
This week is homecoming, so that means a big football game on Friday and even bigger mums that night. I don't think I have posted any pictures of mums the last couple of years, so maybe I'll try to get some this year. Chad has to be at the dance on Saturday night. Then on Sunday is Faith Keiper's first birthday party, Monday is the athletic golf outing, so this weekend is pretty packed.
This past weekend we headed up to the Woodlands for a MOPS outing. The girls had fun playing with the other kids in the fountain in the park. Then we headed for something to eat and then it was home.
Ra-ra is coming to visit in about 2 weeks, so I'm thinking we will be heading to the pumpkin farm. I know that she can't wait and I think Maddie can't either. She loves to talk to her on the phone, but also on the computer. On Sunday she even got to see Ben on the computer. Emma is always walking around with her phone and when you ask her who she is talking to, she says wa-wa.
Posted by Erin J at 3:04 PM 0 comments