Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Who do you root for now?

I have been trying to figure out who to root for in the playoffs and I think that I have made my decision. I am going to root for the Diamondbacks. I figure they are the only club that I don't have any reasons not to root against. It was either them or the Angels, but I figured I stick with the NL.

This past weekend we have been clearing out our backyard and finally today I am done. Chad has some work to do, but otherwise we are almost done. I was telling someone yesterday that I now finally feel like we can get stuff done around the house. Last year at this time Emma was only 3 months old, so it was hard to get outside and do anything. Now they play outside while I get work done. It is a nice deal. It still has been hot out, but not unbearable. It has been hovering in the 90's, but on Sunday it is suppose to be 78 degrees. That will be so nice.

This week is homecoming, so that means a big football game on Friday and even bigger mums that night. I don't think I have posted any pictures of mums the last couple of years, so maybe I'll try to get some this year. Chad has to be at the dance on Saturday night. Then on Sunday is Faith Keiper's first birthday party, Monday is the athletic golf outing, so this weekend is pretty packed.

This past weekend we headed up to the Woodlands for a MOPS outing. The girls had fun playing with the other kids in the fountain in the park. Then we headed for something to eat and then it was home.
Ra-ra is coming to visit in about 2 weeks, so I'm thinking we will be heading to the pumpkin farm. I know that she can't wait and I think Maddie can't either. She loves to talk to her on the phone, but also on the computer. On Sunday she even got to see Ben on the computer. Emma is always walking around with her phone and when you ask her who she is talking to, she says wa-wa.