Monday, August 03, 2009

Babies Everywhere, CURF, and Airplanes

So we made it through the week to Thursday- we were excited because Jill and Jay were coming to visit us. We spent most of the day up in Germantown and met them back at home since they couldn't leave until after work. We stayed up for a little while and visited, but then it was off to bed. Friday we were headed out to Oconomowoc for a baby shower for Ryan and Kate. Now out of the group of 5 couples they are the only one without kids, but will be having their first in September. The Petersens were so gracious to have us at their house, they have two kids; Clayton is 5 1/2 and Ava is almost 3. The girls love going there because there are lots of toys to play with. The guys headed off to play golf and the girls headed to Olympia Resort to go to the spa, that is where Wendy works. Nick and Ashley G. have little Eli (almost 2) and are due with number 2 at then end of August. Nathan and Katherine G. have little Nora (almost 3)and are due with number 2 in December. Then there is our family with the three girls. There are going to be 4 born within 7 months with Lilly being the oldest of that group. It is kind of neat knowing that when we get together there will be kids to play with.

We spent the majority of the day there and the evening too, we got a fire going and enjoyed just sitting around talking and catching up.

Saturday I was in the car with mom and dad headed down to CURF for the Women's Athletics 50th Anniversary Celebration. We met up the Jana, Mike, and Nolan. We walked around the track while talking with the new Track and Field coach. We went to breakfast and then to Jana and Mike's hotel. They headed off to Direct Buy to get some things for their house, which they have broken ground on, and we took Nolan off their hands. They actually dropped me off at the movie theater and took Nolan for a walk at the mall. We met up back at Alan and Tracie's to head over to the banquet. We had a nice time and saw a few people and had a few laughs.

Sunday after church Jay and Jill headed home. I'm pretty sure Chad was thankful that he was able to play man to man for all of Saturday with the girls, otherwise it would have been quite a long day. Amy and Joel headed up this way and then we all went down to the lakefront to see the air show. We took our picnic lunch and watched people, airplanes and then the Fabulous Thunderbirds. They were quite as loud as I remember, but we were saying that we don't think they flew as low as we have seen them fly before. There were a few times they flew low and Emma of course had her ears covered. It was fun to see them and even though the kids weren't as excited, I think they had fun just being with each other.